Thursday, April 8, 2010

Emotional Bankruptcy: Is This The Way YOUR World Would End? PART II

Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts. I really appreciate your comments also those who took time to even send me emails.

If you are reading this for the first time, I suggest you read first the Part 1 of this blog: come back after you're done reading it.

Its true that there's not much of a difference. All of the people I mentioned had problems and the common denominator is money. In life, there's no such thing as big or small problem. Any kinds of problems can temporarily stop us from moving forward; even if its just a toothache.

The thing is, its not how big or small the problem is, it is how big or small the person is dealing with the problem that matters.

When a similar thing like that happened to us more than a decade ago, I only looked upon people who were able to risen up from their problems. I, too is not alien to the experiences of the people I mentioned. I feel their suffering and I know some of you, especially those who emailed and shared with me their story, have experienced it as well.

To those who emailed me, I see you. I understand what it feels not to have a decent food to eat and a place to live. I, too know what it feels having debts from hundreds, thousands and millions. I, too understand what it feels to have sleepless nights for weeks that that time, seemed like months and years not knowing what's gonna happen next whether you will still have food or a place to stay on the next coming days. I, too know what it feels to think that the world has been unfair.

However, despite all of that, it never even crossed my mind, that I will end my life. The only thing I remember is that I told myself that somewhere out there, someone has already surpassed what I'm experiencing. Somewhere, someone already solved the problem that I have. Somewhere, somehow, someone was able to overcome similar challenges that I am encountering. You might think this is crazy but all the time I when I was suffering; all the time that I thought I was in a bottomless pit, all I could think of was this: I am suffering because something BIG is coming into my life. Something BIG is coming and I am being prepared for it.

All the time, I remember holding on to these words, "this too shall pass".

And it did.

To those who keep on holding on and striving to get out from the hole in the ground of their problems and sufferings, I honor you. It takes courage and faith not to let go.

Looking back, what happened was after all the greatest gift God has given. My husband and I were able to regain back what was lost, hundredfolds more. I believe its God's way to clean up everything that's not working in our lives and to give space to something new. It has been a profound experience for us. What we thought was our darkest days turned into a blessing because we simply believe that there's light at the end of the tunnel.

When I first learned about what happened to Ted Failon's wife (It was a year ago), I gave a short prayer for her and felt grateful that I committed to a path less travelled although it's never easy, it has been worth it. I feel constantly grateful, for God making me realize that, what we are doing in the community is truly life-changing and that, no matter what, we must continue to do our work. We must continue to spread the word to every Filipinos that now, more than ever, we need to be financially educated.

Just think about it, what if, a Core Team member is a close friend of Ted's wife? What if she has attended the Wealth Course? What if she has a friend who attended our programs and shared what she got from the program? What if someone introduced to her books, like Rich Dad Poor Dad or Secret's of the Millionaire Mind? Probably, what happened to her (and to the rest of those people who ended their lives during the slowing down of the world's economy or recession) might have been prevented.

And I invite you to take that action NOW. Invite ANYONE, whether you know them or just met them, to join this online community. Maybe you'll just one step away from the solution to their problems.

I am grateful forever because when we hit bottom, I was surrounded by people who see problems, just the way it is, something to be confronted, to be dealt with and solved. You just don't know how lucky you are to be part of this community. You are surrounded by people who are wealthy emotionally, financially and spiritually.

As for the mother who almost killed herself because of 1,500 electricity bill, she's lucky to have lived; to be given a second chance. I was not able to personally talk to her however, I'm grateful that a 17 year old (my cousin) has contributed to her. She's aware that its not longer just 1,500 that she will be dealing with once she's back home, yet she went home that day ready to face her problems.

Now, Donald Trump's problem was never a problem for him. For a lot of us, our problems could be a huge rock or the entire planet earth that has fallen on us. For Donald Trump his problem that time probably was just a "pebble on his shoe" making him uncomfortable yet unable to stop him from walking and moving on. He confronted his problem, he did not run away from it; he looked at it straight in the eye. He is not a super human, the thing is, he's just not emotionally bankrupt. He's emotionally wealthy that's why he was able to solve his problem that for most of us seemed impossible to solve.

You know for a fact that you've probably done a stupid thing or two in your life. If you look back, I'm sure most of it rooted from you being emotionally fired up with negative emotions (anger, hate, depression etc...) during those times. Then after a day or two, you realized and asked yourself, "why did I do such a stupid thing?" A lot of psychologists often said that if you are angry or frustrated or furious because of someone or something, delay for a day before you talk to the person. Some would even say, count one to ten. Why I'm saying this? because I've done a lot of stupid things in my life as well and most of it was due to the fact that its either I'm angry or hurt. I remember regretting my actions afterwards.

Yes, people around us will always tell us to be rational, however if you look at it, most of the time when people decide, they base it emotionally. No matter how logical it is for example not to smoke, or take drugs etc... you will find out that people do it to feel good, to belong and be liked, to gain friends and other decisions that was purely based on emotions. Daniel Goleman, author of the book, "Emotional Intelligence" said, that people who has the ability to assess and harness emotions, even negative one's and and manage them to achieve intended goals are usually those who really succeed. He added on his other book, "Social Intelligence" that also those who are smart in their relationships, their ability to connect and have meaningful relationships with others, make it in life.

Successful people are also emotional. They get angry, they get furious, they get frustrated, however, despite being enveloped by those feelings from time to time, how come they were able to move past any problems?

Here's what we found out:

1. They see themselves bigger than any problems. They think big. They look at their problems as small and look at themselves as a big person who can solve the problem.
2. The have a network of people whom they can turn to, aside from family, when they deal with their problems.
3. They ask questions no matter how stupid they may appear to people.
4. They NEVER go it alone. They ask for support and make sure they get it.
5. They are sensitive to their impact on others.
6. They do not avoid difficult situations. They face their problems or difficult situations squarely.
7. They are emotionally wealthy. They focus on positive experiences and make sure it outweighs their negative ones.
8. They believe that they create their life.
9. They let go of playing victim.
10. They embrace responsibility.

Indeed, at the end of it all, the most important thing is to be alive. Remember, you only got ONE life. Use it to be a channel of blessing, of love, of compassion. You just don't know what you can do to make a difference in the lives of others. Share what you're learning and what you're getting out of your participation in this community. Share and be the miracle in the lives of others.

Let us leave the world with a bang, not of a whimper.


To those of you who took time to share your thoughts on Part 1 of this blog, thank you very much. Below is my gift for you=)

Posted via email from Entrepreneur Coach

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