Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Three Wealth You will get when you join CA2020:
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Learn by doing the real thing
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Is Your Financial Future Bright?
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Are you ready for WEALTH?
ANYBODY can WISH for riches, and most people do, but only a few know that a DEFINITE PLAN plus a BURNING DESIRE for wealth, are the only dependable means of accumulating wealth. --- Start building your Wealth! Begin by attending TheCA2020.net Wealth Course. Text your name, age, occupation & location to 09081111870or 09238043646. Text now!
ANYBODY can WISH for riches, and most people do, but only a few know that a DEFINITE PLAN plus a BURNING DESIRE for wealth, are the only dependable means of accumulating wealth. --- Start building your Wealth! Begin by attending The CA2020.net Wealth Course. Text your name, age, occupation & location to 09081111870 or 09238043646. Text now!
Top 3 reasons why you are not yet RICH:
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Wanted Part-time Homebased Data Encoder
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Are you in the Rat Race?
Great Day to You!
Acting on this information will change your financial future, just like what happened to us.
We have been in the business coaching profession for almost five years now. We have heard thousands of stories about people being trapped in the rat race. What is the rat race anyway?
If you answer YES to any these questions, you are in the race.
1. Is your major source of income is selling your time and skills to other people?
2. Do you have a loan or credit card debt and you are working hard to pay it?
3. Are you bonded by your company, where you have to pay the bond if you are going to leave before your contract end?
4. Do you have family who waits for your "sustento" that you work two or more jobs or "racket" so that makapadala ka?
5. Are you praying everyday that your company will not be hit by the recession so that you will not be laid off?
6. Do you have scholars back home, and you cannot afford to lose your job or else they will stop schooling?
7. Do you have a car or a house in which the ownership or title is not yet in your name and you are working hard to pay the monthly amortization?
8. Do you use your car only on weekends and you commute to work because of high gas price?
9. If your project or the transaction you are making ends, will your income also ends?
10. Do you have sales quotas to meet or else you will find yourself applying to other companies?
In Create Abundance International Community, Inc., we assist and support Filipinos who choose to get out of the Rat Race, by providing them services, programs and business vehicles. Our business system is designed to be done part time until you can accumulate passive income equal or more than your rat race income.
"If you want time freedom, you have to invest time. 80% of success is showing up"
If you choose to get of the rat race and will invest your time for your Financial Education, begin by showing up in the CA2020 Public Gatherings. Financial Education comes first before Financial Freedom.
Our gatherings open for public:
Cashflow Gatherings - Learn about Money, Business and Accounting (MBA) workshop in fun and easy way. Fee Php 400. Venue: Greenbelt 2, Ayala Center, Makati City.
Wealth Modules - Learn about your wealth mindset, your ability to make, keep and expand your wealth. Fee Php 200. Venue: Ascott Hotel, Glorietta 4, Makati City.
Business Gatherings - Learn about what global trends and what profitable business to get into with zero start up. No Registration Fee. Venue: Trafalgar Plaza (same building as DTI-NCR), Makati City.
Millionaire Minds Gatherings - Connect with like minded people. People who believes that to become a millionaire you have to have a millionaire mind first. Registration Fee: P400. Venue: Executive Lounge, Penthouse, Makati Stocks Exchange. Makati City.
Our Programs for Core Team members:
Life Entrepreneurship Program
Wealth Conditioning Program
90 Day Financial Freedom Program
Our Business Vehicles:
Stage 1: Innovative Franchising - Business Systems Working For You.
Stage 2: Income Generating Real Estate - Assets Working For You.
Stage 3. Investments - Money Working For You.
For more information and to reserve your seat to our community gatherings contact Coach Marvel by texting your name, age and occupation to 0908.1111.870, 09155255595 or 0923.804.3646. Call our office (02) 908.2567 or sign up in our online network: www.ca2020.net (invited by Coach Marvel).
The only person who can bring in your like wealth and abundance is yourself. Our business community is just here to guide you in the right path for you to become a huge financial success.
For your wealth and abundance,
Coach Marvel
Business Expansion Strategist
Create Abundance International Community, Inc.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Are You Really Financially Educated?
Monday, September 13, 2010
Create Abundance International Business Community
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Are you one of the future Pinoy Billionaires?
www.facebook.com is Billionaire at 23years old. I don't have products?
www.eBay.com sells other peoples products and services. I don't have enough education?
www.mac.com founder Steve Jobs is a college drop out. I don't have confidence?
www.microsoft.com founder Bill Gates is a nerd and a geek. All you need: Mentors - 10% Business Skills Network - 90% People Skills Mentors and Network is what you need to become billionaires. I found mine in CA2020 Core Team. CA2020 Vision: 1,000 Pinoy Billionaires by 2020. CA2020 Mission: Spread Financial Education Throughout the Nation and the world. Begin your journey in becoming a COre Team by attending our community gatherings:
Wealth Course
Online Wealth Course
Cashflow Gatherings
Wellness Business Gatherings
Millionaire Mind Gatherings Contact the person who invited you to CA2020.net for details of our community gatherings and to reserve your seats. If no one invited you text your name, age & occupation to 0908.1111.870
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
2008: Coach Rovel's Blogs Table of Contents
Money with Meaning, Living Your Life "On-Purpose"
November 2008
Change is Good! by T Harv Eker
2009: Coach Rovel's Blogs Table of Contents
Cash Flow vs Net Worth
6 ways to make money in the world.
February 2009
Being a Millionaire Mind to Doing What Millionaires Do and Having Millions
March 2009
Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump: Why We Want You Be Rich, Creating Wealth from Zero and the CA2020 Power Investing Plan.
April 2009
What is the CA2020 Core Team?
Do you want to Master Leverage?
How a Millionaire is defined in Create Abundance Business Community?
May 2009
Entrepreneurs and Investors
What business are you into?
Rich Dad Power Investing Plan
The Industrial Age and the Information Age Formulas
What is W i n n i n g The Money Game?